A NATIONAL charity is inviting Frome residents to establish a special group to raise money for vulnerable children across the UK.
Barnardo’s, which recently opened a new shop on Forest Road Parade in Stonebridge Drive, is hoping to build on the shop’s success by setting up a Barnardo’s Helpers Group (BHG) in the town.
Volunteers would act as local ambassadors for the charity, raising awareness and funds through community activities. Members of the BHG would receive full support and training.
Regional fundraising manager Gurdev Singh said, “We currently have more than a hundred BHGs across the country, some of which have been supporting us for more than a century.
“Volunteers meet on a regular basis and make the most of any fundraising opportunities by linking with their local schools, youth groups, sports clubs and businesses.
“They also arrange their own events such as coffee mornings, luncheons and quizzes. Bigger groups even organise their own charity balls.”
Barnardo’s can help with recruitment and promotion, roles and responsibilities, policies and procedures and other tasks.
The charity can also arrange for guest speakers from local children’s services to update members on current activities.
Gurdev added, “We hope to attract people of all ages and backgrounds. Some may simply have a few hours to spare for a good cause, while others may want to develop skills and experience in fundraising or event management.
“It’s a great way for people to have lots of fun while supporting one of the UK’s leading charities, especially as we are currently marking our 150th year. Every penny we raise will help us to be there for children and families, now and always.”
To find out more about getting involved call Gurdev on 07711 188244 or email: gurdev.singh@barnardos.org.uk