A COFFEE morning, organised by Eileen Byrne in aid of the Julian Wort Memorial Fund, will help fund more heart screening days.
The money raised will go towards funding another screening event, which screens young people for undiagnosed heart conditions. The cost of screening 100 young people costs £5,000 and the memorial fund is looking to raise a further £1,813 in order to set up another event.
The recent coffee morning, organised by Eileen Byrne at Rode Chapel, raised £413.55.
Shirley Wort, whose son Julian died of an undiagnosed heart condition at the age of 28, said, “A magnificent amount of £413.55 was raised for Julians Memorial Fund towards another screening day
“Lots of cakes were made and donated, including one kindly made by Lisa Fairhurst which we decided to raffle, and it raised £55. I would like to thank everyone who came, and to Eileen for organising, and to everyone who helped on the day, and Asda (Frome) for kindly donating three raffle prizes.”