Frome Library will be hosting a few new special interest activities this year – something for everyone. If you’re into knitting and sewing, reading, playing chess, creative writing or building with Lego, read on!
The Lego sessions will be the first and third Saturdays of each month and on the first and third Thursday afternoons will see the start of ‘Chess Mates’ at 2.00 pm – an afternoon of social chess for players of all ability. Bring your own chess set, if you have one. Just turn up.
The new reading group, ‘Thursdays’, is discussing Kate Atkinson’s Life after Life and next meets on 19th February – please ask for a copy of the book at the library.
On the second and fourth Thursdays at 2pm–4pm, ‘Knitting & Sew On’ encourages crafty people to bring their own project to work on while enjoying a chat with like-minded souls. Just turn up.
Dosia Reichardt is to lead some free creative writing sessions on alternate Monday afternoons, starting on 23rd February at 2pm–4pm. ‘Step back into your own story’ and learn to craft memories in life-writing workshops. No literary experience needed: nothing to buy. Everyone is welcome – but please book at the library, in person, by emailing frolib@somerset or telephoning 0845 3459177.