March to 1st April– Celebrate Women, An extravaganza of events including an exhibition of work by Stina Harris and Linda King workshops, live performance, cups of tea and cake, debate and much more. Exhibition opening times Tues to Friday 11am – 4pm, Sat 10am – 1pm; www.celebratewomen., Sun Street Chapel, Whittox Lane.To 31st – Black Swan Arts Open Arts Competition & Exhibition with a diverse range of fine and digital arts, including painting, sculpture, prints, and photography.To 21st April 10am – 2pm. 70th Anniversary of ‘Warship Week’ exhibition at Frome Museum, The history of Frome’s adopted submarine HMS Thunderbolt and Frome’s amazing fundraising achievements during WW2. Museum open Tuesday – Saturday. uk, Price: Donations.To 5th April, Spring Exhibition at Rook Lane Arts, Bath St, Frome, Exhibition by Frome Art Society. 10.00 am – 4.00 pm Tues – Sat. Closing 1pm on last day 5 April. Demonstration by members Sat. 31 March. Many artists from around Frome will showcase their breadth of creative talent; an eclectic mix of drawings, prints, pastels, watercolour, acrylic and oil paintings demonstrating the diversity of media and individual approaches from traditional to contemporary. For further info contact 01373 468040 or Free.
29th – 4pm – 5pm, Kidsart Workshop at Black Swan Arts Centre. Art and craft session for school age children. All materials and tuition provided. Tel Claire 07940 497848 or email £5; 2nd child £3. 29th – 10:30 am 12:30 pm, Frome Memory Café. Are you someone living with memory loss or dementia? The Cafe is a meeting place for people with dementia and their carers, to enjoy the company of others in a friendly, informal environment. Tel Teresa Mason – 07803 115489 or 01935 473597 Meet alternate Thursdays. Trinity Church Hall. 29th – 7:45 pm. A Curious Evening of Trance and Rap. Merlin Theatre, The Ogden Sisters. Box Office 01373 465949, £9 (£7). 29th – J. Eoin at Acoustic Moon, Rudge, near Frome. A powerful singer, a fine guitarist and a truly gifted songwriter. For more information call The Full Moon on 01373 830936 30th – 10:30 am – Health Walk, Mells and Great Elm. 4 miles. Meet outside the Talbot Inn Mells. 30th – Frome Lions Club Charity Quiz Night. 8pm Frome Rugby Club. £12 per team of 4. To book a table ring Lion Mike Geake on 01373 461298 or e mail mike.geake@ All proceeds go to the Lions charity fund to help the less fortunate of Frome and surrounding villages. 31st – Frome Selwood Bowling Club. Coffee Morning & Bring & Buy, 10.30 – 12.00 am. The Green, Butts Hill. 31st – 11am – 12pm. Kids-art Workshop, Black Swan Arts Centre, Art and craft session for school age children. See 29th March. 31st -10am -2pm, PAC Jumble Sale, Westway Precinct – Old Lloyds Pharmacy shop. Jumble needed. Please deliver to the PAC (Positive Action on Cancer) office on Market Place, Frome weekdays 9am – 5pm or to the precinct from 9 – 10am on 31st March. Tel 01373 455255. 50p adults. 31st – 3pm – 4pm, Madrigal Magic by Klerkekoret, Christ Church, Frome, A fabulous choir from Copenhagen University will sing a wonderful programme of music by Janequin, Marezio, Gesualdo and more. Tickets on the door. For more information contact Ann on 01373 472270. £7, £5 con
APRIL 1st – 11am – 4pm “Artwork for the stage”. Paul Boswell, Rachel Macleay. The Parlour Contemporary Art, 15 Paul Street, Frome. BA11 1DT 1st – Artisan Market. Frome’s creative quarter will be chock-a-block with a fantastic range of stalls. There will be live music and entertainment to charm the crowds, and the fabulous cafés dotted up Catherine Hill will be providing much needed relief for tired legs! Free parking in the town centre. 11am-4pm. More details from hello@ or 07929 017371, St Catherine’s Hill, Frome. 1st – Regular car boot sale and market, outdoor and undercover. Call 01225 764890 / 07952 352931 or see, Frome Market, Standerwick. 1st – 9:30am – 2pm, Frome Flea Market. Quality second-hand market. Local independent traders selling antiques, collectable art, vintage clothes, retro collectables, toys, homeware. Hot food and drinks stalls. More details from hello@wegotfleas. com or 07929 017371, Market Yard Car Park.1st – 12- 2:30 pm – Charity Soup and Pud Event, Marston House. Soup and Puddings followed by tea & cake to raise money for the Postlebury Churches. Raffle and chance to walk around Marston House and church. Courtesy of Mrs Angela Yeoman and Aggregate Industries. Contact 01373 455277 or Jane on 0777 620 8531. £6 per adult, £3 for children 14 or under; teas extra in the church. 1st – 6pm – Choral Evensong, Allegri, Miserere Rose, Responses Evening Service, Dyson in F Lotti, Crucifixus. Retiring collection for Christian Aid. Christ Church, Christ-church Street West, Frome. BA11 1EH. 1st – 7:30 pm, Jhalmuri Jamboree, Jhalmuri Restaurant, Palmer St, Frome. Join us for our second gut-busting, tastebud-tingling, money-raising, music-making Jhalmuri jamboree. A paltry £10 a head for an all-you-can-eat buffet with entertainment. Organised by Frome Friends of Palestine. Tickets in advance only from Frome Wholefoods in Cheap Street, or ring Simon Davis on 07786 095439. All proceeds go to the Hope Flowers School in Bethlehem, which specialises in working with children traumatized by conflict. www.hopeflowersschool. org/intro.html. £10. 2nd – 8pm Frome & District Rights of Way Association AGM. The Packhorse, Frome. 4th – 10:30am – 12:30 pm, Frome & District Carers Group, Topic – social services, finance etc. Meetings on the first Wednesday of every month. Contact Joan Paynter 01373 302128 or Tricia Knott 01373 301369, Frome Cricket Club.4th – 8:00pm – Frome Artists Café. The Griffin, Milk Street, Frome. Definitely lots of being social! www.fromecreativenet 5th – 10am – Theatre School in Frome, Merlin Theatre. Using songs from popular musicals and shows such as Glee, children with help form workshop leader Claudia Peplar will create a mini musical. Showing at 3.30pm for parents. Contact tri.arttheatre for a place. Also on 21 April auditions for Footloose at Merlin Theatre at noon. £20. 6th to 5th May. Portraits of the Working People of Somerset. An installation by Terry Flaxton / Producer, Charlotte Humpston of Visualfields. Portraits of traditional rural industries and crafts of Somerset on show at The Black Swan. They have been documented by Somerset cinematographer, Terry Flaxton, thanks to a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund. The award enabled Terry to film portraits in ultra high resolution of local craftspeople practising traditional skills, many of which go back to medieval times. The portraits were filmed in Glastonbury Abbey Barn last summer and the dramatic images will be projected large-scale in high definition in the Gallery, Black Swan Arts Centre. 6th – 10:30 am – Gentle Health Walk. A short flat walk around the park followed by an extra walk if you are able. Victoria Park Frome. 7th – 10:30 am – 12pm, Easter Coffee Morning, , Kilmersdon Village Hall. 7th – Critchill Court, Easter Extravaganza. Doors open 2.30pm. Stalls, raffle, Easter egg hunt, refreshments. Money raised will go to the Residents’ amenities fund. Critchill Court Lynwood close, Frome. BA11 4DP, telephone 01373 461686. 8th – Regular car boot sale and market, outdoor and undercover. Call 01225 764890 / 07952 352931 or see, Frome Market, Standerwick. 8th – 14th – Mayor’s Charity Pub Crawl, Various pubs and watering holes in Frome. A week of traditional pub games culminating in a full day tour around the pubs of Frome with the Mayor on Saturday 14th April. See story on page 3. 9th – 11am, Mells Daffodil Festival, See story on page 8. 10th – Frome Selwood Horticultural Society. From seed to plant. Speaker: David Lucas Trinity Hall, Trinity Street, Frome. Parking available. Disabled access and sound enhanced facilities. Entry is free to members and £2.00 for guests. Further details, contact Jane Norris 01373 455277 or visit www.fshs.pwp.blueyon 11th – 7:30 pm – Poetry Café, Garden Cafe, Stony Street, Frome, With Mo Robinson songwriter and guitarist. Support from poet Paul Tobin and open mic. £2 on the door. 12th – 10:30 am – 12:30 pm, Frome Memory Cafe, a meeting place for people with dementia and their carers. See 29th March. |
Frome gets ready to mark Remembrance Sunday
The town’s annual Remembrance Parade is due to be held on Sunday 10th November. A parade, led by the...